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Jean-Baptiste ROBIN
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Jean-Baptiste Robin | Works with Organ

Format 1 CD
Cat. number 95479
EAN code 5028421954790
Release March 2017
The Stahlhuth / Jann organ of Saint-Martin's church at Dudelange (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)

Recording location:
Saint-Martin's church at Dudelange (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)

Sound recording :
Christoph Martin Frommen and Timothée Langlois

Mixing engineer: Olivier Rosset

Photo of the cover of the CD : Anaëlle Trumka

Artists :
Orchestre Régional de Normandie, cond. Jean Deroyer
Romain Leleu, trumpet
François Chaplin, piano
Philippe Cuper, clarinet
Frédéric Champion and Jean-Baptiste Robin, organ

Exact repertoire details:

1 - Mechanic Fantasy for Organ, Timpani and Strings

2 - Étoile intérieure (Inner Star) for piano and organ

3 - 5 Récits Héroïques (Heroic Tales) for trumpet and organ
1. Appel
2. L'ange noir
3. Épopée

6 - 8 Trois Solos (Three solos) for organ

9 - Chant de l'Âme (Song of the Soul) for clarinet and organ

10 - Regard vers Agartha (A Look towards Agartha) for four hands organ

11 - 15 Cinq Versets sur le Veni Creator (Five Verses on the Veni Creator) for organ
1. Ciel éternel
2. Flamboiement
3. Le temps qui danse
4. Au-delà
5. Veni Creator Spiritus